Wednesday, February 15, 2006

A Mad Scientist in the Basement

Last night, a group of girls came out to the Cady's house for pizza, brownies, and a romantic comedy. As usual on Valentine's day throughout the world, estrogen levels were through the roof as we ate and giggled.

Since we were here so late, Amy and I decided to stay the night rather than take the bus home, and this morning we've been working here at their house since they have wireless. The change of scenery is nice. Heather Cady, Amy, Lexi the dog, and I are sitting on the couches in the living room with laptops in tow---all females, yet again. Troy has escaped downstairs to the basement, where he's working on his sermon.

Now, it's not unusual for Troy to be working on his sermon in the basement. What is unusual is the constant stream of laughter winding up the stairs. It fluctuates from little giggles to semi-maniacal laughter, but doesn't really stop for more than 30 seconds. I'm starting to think that maybe by "sermon" he means "science experiments." I have this picture in my head of this tall, skinny, crazy haired guy (like Doc in Back to the Future) leaning over a steaming beaker of something that will take over the world. HahaHAhahahaha.

I guess I'll find out what was so funny on Saturday.

Troy, if you read this downstairs, and you really are doing science experiments and calling it a sermon, don't drop the beaker, ok?


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